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Subject Verb Agreement in Grammar

As a copy editor, it is essential to understand the rules of grammar, one of which is subject-verb agreement. Subject-verb agreement refers to the match between the subject of a sentence and the verb. It is important to ensure that the subject and the verb agree in number and person, to avoid confusion and grammatical errors.

When it comes to subject-verb agreement, the rule of thumb is that a singular subject must always take a singular verb, and a plural subject must always take a plural verb. To achieve this, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Identify the subject: The first step in ensuring subject-verb agreement is to identify the subject of the sentence. The subject is the person, place, or thing that the sentence is talking about.

2. Check for number: Once the subject has been identified, the next step is to check for number. If the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular. For example, “The cat sits on the mat.” However, if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. For example, “The cats sit on the mat.”

3. Pay attention to collective nouns: Collective nouns are nouns that refer to a group consisting of more than one person or thing. Examples of collective nouns include team, family, and group. When it comes to collective nouns, it is important to consider the context of the sentence. If the collective noun is being treated as a single unit, a singular verb should be used. For example, “The team is playing well.” However, if the collective noun is being treated as a group of individuals, a plural verb should be used. For example, “The team are wearing their new jerseys.”

4. Maintain consistency: One of the most important rules of subject-verb agreement is consistency. Once you have chosen a verb to match the subject, make sure to maintain that agreement throughout the sentence. For example, “She is writing a book, and he is reading the newspaper.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential rule in grammar that should be observed by all writers, especially copy editors. By paying attention to the number of the subject and the matching verb, keeping in mind collective nouns and maintaining consistency, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and easy to understand.