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Ending a Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement

Ending an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement: What You Need to Know

Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreements (ASTs) are contracts between landlords and tenants that dictate the terms and conditions of a rental, including rent, duration, and responsibilities. While ASTs usually come to an end naturally after the agreed-upon period, tenants may choose to terminate the agreement early for various reasons. In this article, we`ll discuss the steps involved in ending an AST and some best practices for doing so.

Understanding Your Rights and Obligations

The first step in ending an AST is to understand your rights and obligations under the agreement. Generally speaking, tenants have the right to give notice and end the tenancy early if they wish, but they must comply with the notice period and other requirements outlined in the contract. Typically, tenants must give at least one month`s written notice to the landlord, and the notice must be served on a specific date (usually the day rent is due).

As a professional, it`s essential to note that search engines will look for a clear structure and format that allows readers to find the information they need easily. In this article, that means making sure that the requirements and steps involved in ending an AST are clearly defined and easy to read.

Providing Notice

Providing notice is the next step in ending an AST. The notice should be in writing and include the date it is given, the address of the property, and the date on which the tenant intends to vacate. The notice should also be signed by all tenants on the agreement, and a copy should be kept for your records.

It`s also crucial to ensure that the notice is delivered correctly and to the right person. This may mean sending it by registered post, email, or even hand-delivering it to the landlord or their agent. Make sure that you keep any proof of delivery in case there are any disputes later on.

Leaving the Property

Once notice has been given, the tenant must vacate the property by the agreed-upon date. Before doing so, the tenant is responsible for ensuring that the property is left in a clean and tidy condition, with all personal belongings removed. They must also return any keys, fobs, or other entry devices to the landlord or their agent.

The landlord may wish to carry out an inspection before the tenant leaves to check that the property is in a satisfactory condition and to identify any damage that may have occurred. If there is any damage, it may be deducted from the tenant`s deposit.

Returning the Deposit

Finally, the landlord must return the tenant`s deposit within ten days of the tenant leaving the property, minus any deductions for damages or unpaid rent. The deposit amount should have been protected in a government-approved scheme at the start of the tenancy, and the landlord should provide the tenant with details of which scheme was used when returning the money.

In conclusion, ending an AST is a relatively straightforward process, provided that both parties understand their rights and obligations under the agreement. By following the steps outlined in this article, tenants can ensure that they end their tenancy correctly and avoid any unnecessary disputes or financial penalties.